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A New, Unique Television Game Show Host who is
Real, Spontaneous & In the Moment.

All of my experience has been on live television, or live to tape. - Ron
Ron is a brilliant character actor. His portrayal of the "McCann Twins" is a great example of what character acting is supposed to be! He even had me taken in until about the third time I saw the commercial and realized, "Hey, that guy sold me a pen set once!"--
--YouTube comment from pelotonpro048
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"Quicksilver" (USA Network)
I hosted 130 episodes of the original game show series, "Quicksilver" on USA Network. The show was an instant hit the minute it debuted. As for its' evolution, it was presented live to Merv Griffin, Kushner-Locke, CBS daytime (Barbara Hunter; Lucy Johnson), and finally to Stone-Stanley Productions (now Stone-Stanley Entertainment) who sold it to USA Network, where it ultimately aired.

"Wheel of Fortune" (Sony)
The Evolution of "Quicksilver"
I had a pact with our director Bob Loudin. I asked him to never stop on my account. Just let it roll no matter what.

It wasn't until AFTER this show that I found my voice, and have been growing ever since. Today, I can safely say, I more ready than ever to change the dynamic because I relate directly to the home audience, one-to-one. I would insist on doing my own audience warm-up for familiar call-backs the studio audience can embrace and introduce the contestants as the stars. I'm not the star. I'm just some guy who brings everyone to the party, and insures they're always having a great time.

I'm listed as host of "Quicksilver" (page 197) of "The Encyclopedia of TV Game Shows SECOND EDITION"
(David Schwartz, Steve Ryan & Fred Wostbrock)
At the book signing, Jack Narz asked me to sign his book & Peter Tomarken ran away from me when I towered over him to say hello.
Hit the Deck!
I was chosen to host the pilot for "Hit the Deck!" a game show aboard a sailing cruise ship for The Travel Channel.
They aired the pilots (3 episodes). The show tested very high but The Travel Channel decided their audience wouldn't watch game shows, and passed on the series.
That's showbiz. The very talented Stephen R. Brown
executive produced, and the equally talented
Bob Loudin directed. He made certain Queen Mary
was moored. She can't hold her liquor.
Plus . . .
I was hand-picked by
Merv Griffin to be one of his
3 choices to host
"Wheel of Fortune" on
NBC daytime.


I hate my life.
I auditioned for creators Terence McDonnell (soon to be head writer for "Jeopardy!" and Dick Chapin (co-creator of "Quicksilver") for "Doggy Derby", a game show featuring kids and their dogs for
The Disney Channel.

In response to "Remote Control" on MTV which I thought made rock n' roll fans look like idiots, I created "RocQuiz", a rock n' roll TV game show where a 12-year old could compete with a 65-year old and a 33-year old. Great game. I syndicated it myself to local cable outlets for several weeks before I was approached to do the pilot. In the original, there were 2 teams; one celebrity DJ and a contestant on each team, an idea I abandoned when we went to pilot because I didn't think the "celebrity" DJ's added much celebrity. For more, visit: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER
Doggy Derby
2 of the most unpredictable elements on television, children and dogs, in a stunt game for both. A presentation never greenlit by Jeffrey Katzenberg for The Disney Channel.
Kushner-Locke produced it and "1st and Ten" for HBO. They cast me as the producer on a fictitous dating show called "Dating Connection". They would later produce the live presentation of "Quicksilver" for Lucy Johnson, then SVP of Daytime for CBS.

Crime Busters
Live presentation for Cutter Productions of a crime scene game show. Barb and Steve North, managers of stand-up comedians, directed.
Cutter wasn't really set up or prepared to take this anywhere, but it was a great learning experience, nonetheless.

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